A physique that is slightly less conditioned and muscular than a Sports Model.
Judged on condition, symmetry, shape and presentation. Competitors should be lean enough to show an outline of abdominals but not a full six pack. There should be no separation in the shoulders or quads. Glute / hamstring tie-in should show separation but not full conditioning. Muscularity should be that of someone who obviously trains but not the development of a Sports Model. Shoulders and back development should match and be in balance with glute, hamstring and quad development.
- First Season
- Masters Pro (40+)
- Mums
- Novice
- Open
- Over 30
- Over 40
- Over 50
- Pro
- Under 25
- Under 30
Rules Of Category
- One round only.
- Competitors will do an individual stage walk and then be compared through 1/2 turns.
- Front pose has hips angled and not square to the judges table.
- Rear pose has arms down with hands on front of thighs, and hair down covering the competitors back.
- Judged in a bikini and stage heels.